Daumantas Kojelis

A Ph. D. student at The University of Manchester.


Hello! I am a Ph. D. student at the University of Manchester investigating Decidable Fragments of First-Order Logic.

My research interests include (but are not limited to) (Finite) Model Theory, Complexity Theory, The Satisfiability Problem, Query Answering…

I am currently focusing on the Two-Variable, Fluted, and Guarded Fragments of First-Order Logic.

Feel free to contact me via email: daumantas.kojelis@manchester.ac.uk

Selected Publications

  1. On the of Limits of Decision: the Adjacent Fragment of First-Order Logic
    Daumantas Kojelis Bartosz Bednarczyk, and Ian Pratt-Hartmann
  2. Completing the Picture: Complexity of the Ackermann Fragment
    Daumantas Kojelis
    Jul 2022